project sample experiment run read_count_as_reported_by_sra reads_downloaded proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded paired_end sra_misreported_paired_end mapped_read_count auc sharq_beta_tissue sharq_beta_cell_type biosample_submission_date biosample_publication_date biosample_update_date avg_read_length geo_accession bigwig_file title characteristics SRP014443 SRS350625 SRX160492 SRR522851 24026800 24026800 1 FALSE FALSE 8215852 197812230 NA NA 2012-07-17T14:13:49.540 2015-07-17T01:13:25.523 2015-07-17T01:19:30.700 49 GSM968720 Q058 c("cell type: cord blood mononuclear cells", "developmental stage: 18-22 weeks of gestation", "karyotype: 47,XX,+21 and 47,XY,+21", "sample type: pool of 3 samples") SRP014443 SRS350626 SRX160493 SRR522852 21448373 21448373 1 FALSE FALSE 13811411 341008972 NA NA 2012-07-17T14:13:49.663 2015-07-17T01:13:27.103 2015-07-17T01:19:30.270 49 GSM968721 Q119 c("cell type: cord blood mononuclear cells", "developmental stage: 18-22 weeks of gestation", "karyotype: 46,XX and 46,XY", "sample type: pool of 3 samples")