project sample experiment run read_count_as_reported_by_sra reads_downloaded proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded paired_end sra_misreported_paired_end mapped_read_count auc sharq_beta_tissue sharq_beta_cell_type biosample_submission_date biosample_publication_date biosample_update_date avg_read_length geo_accession bigwig_file title characteristics SRP014739 SRS353572 SRX174471 SRR534563 15364528 15364528 1 FALSE FALSE 14510060 822048440 heart mcf 2012-08-08T09:05:31.287 2012-12-31T16:05:11.200 2014-03-06T16:21:46.541 58 GSM982255 case13 nasal mucosa c("patient: 13", "patient condition: chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps", "tissue: nasal uncinate process mucosa", "gender: male", "age: 46 years") SRP014739 SRS353573 SRX174472 SRR534564 19145727 19145727 1 FALSE FALSE 16783818 923628521 heart mcf 2012-08-08T09:05:32.840 2012-12-31T16:05:11.520 2014-03-06T16:21:46.589 58 GSM982256 case13 nasal polyp c("patient: 13", "patient condition: chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps", "tissue: nasal polyp", "gender: male", "age: 46 years") SRP014739 SRS353574 SRX174473 SRR534565 8837913 8837913 1 FALSE FALSE 7060600 363865897 heart mcf 2012-08-08T09:05:33.267 2012-12-31T16:05:11.587 2014-03-06T16:21:46.625 58 GSM982257 case25 nasal mucosa c("patient: 25", "patient condition: chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps", "tissue: nasal uncinate process mucosa", "gender: male", "age: 46 years") SRP014739 SRS353575 SRX174474 SRR534566 20392147 20392147 1 FALSE FALSE 18017582 1006303960 heart mcf 2012-08-08T09:05:33.323 2012-12-31T16:05:11.647 2014-03-06T16:21:46.660 58 GSM982258 case25 nasal polyp c("patient: 25", "patient condition: chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps", "tissue: nasal polyp", "gender: male", "age: 46 years")