project sample experiment run read_count_as_reported_by_sra reads_downloaded proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded paired_end sra_misreported_paired_end mapped_read_count auc sharq_beta_tissue sharq_beta_cell_type biosample_submission_date biosample_publication_date biosample_update_date avg_read_length geo_accession bigwig_file title characteristics SRP039397 SRS565771 SRX480997 SRR1182582 2733550 2733550 1 TRUE FALSE 2575856 76934816 brain neural 2014-03-04T13:20:35.383 2014-07-19T01:08:15.993 2014-07-19T01:14:23.310 60 GSM1339393 human_hNPC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human neural progenitor cells", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565771 SRX480997 SRR1182583 6023274 6023274 1 TRUE FALSE 5475703 139585371 brain neural 2014-03-04T13:20:35.383 2014-07-19T01:08:15.993 2014-07-19T01:14:23.310 52 GSM1339393 human_hNPC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human neural progenitor cells", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565771 SRX480997 SRR1182584 10823260 10823260 1 TRUE FALSE 8815292 263376726 brain neural 2014-03-04T13:20:35.383 2014-07-19T01:08:15.993 2014-07-19T01:14:23.310 60 GSM1339393 human_hNPC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human neural progenitor cells", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565772 SRX480998 SRR1182585 4670660 4670660 1 TRUE FALSE 4441956 132110066 brain neural 2014-03-04T13:20:30.690 2014-07-19T01:08:19.143 2014-07-19T01:14:23.647 60 GSM1339394 human_hNPC_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human neural progenitor cells", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565772 SRX480998 SRR1182586 13660816 13660816 1 TRUE FALSE 11289139 336161966 brain neural 2014-03-04T13:20:30.690 2014-07-19T01:08:19.143 2014-07-19T01:14:23.647 60 GSM1339394 human_hNPC_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human neural progenitor cells", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565773 SRX481000 SRR1182589 4847306 4847306 1 TRUE FALSE 4639294 138011494 stem cell esc 2014-03-04T13:20:40.057 2014-07-19T01:21:33.643 2014-07-19T01:25:13.613 60 GSM1339396 human_hESC_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human embryonic stem cells", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565773 SRX481000 SRR1182590 18230548 18230548 1 TRUE FALSE 14904144 443821701 stem cell esc 2014-03-04T13:20:40.057 2014-07-19T01:21:33.643 2014-07-19T01:25:13.613 60 GSM1339396 human_hESC_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human embryonic stem cells", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565774 SRX480999 SRR1182587 4095936 4095936 1 TRUE FALSE 3931040 117398718 stem cell esc 2014-03-04T13:20:44.720 2014-07-19T01:08:24.797 2014-07-19T01:14:24.043 60 GSM1339395 human_hESC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human embryonic stem cells", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565774 SRX480999 SRR1182588 6884872 6884872 1 TRUE FALSE 6515749 166115795 stem cell esc 2014-03-04T13:20:44.720 2014-07-19T01:08:24.797 2014-07-19T01:14:24.043 52 GSM1339395 human_hESC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: human embryonic stem cells", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: hESC->NPC") SRP039397 SRS565775 SRX481001 SRR1182591 11404218 11404218 1 TRUE FALSE 10673728 313233374 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:20:47.290 2014-07-19T01:21:40.273 2014-07-19T01:25:14.000 60 GSM1339397 human_Exp1siWTAP c("knockdown: siWTAP", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565776 SRX481002 SRR1182592 13539462 13539462 1 TRUE FALSE 12505562 366891354 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:20:49.630 2014-07-19T01:21:51.120 2014-07-19T01:25:14.270 60 GSM1339398 human_Exp1siWTAP_input c("knockdown: siWTAP", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565777 SRX481004 SRR1182594 13316790 13316790 1 TRUE FALSE 12443314 364928638 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:20:56.767 2014-07-19T01:22:12.940 2014-07-19T01:25:15.140 60 GSM1339400 human_Exp1siMETTL3_input c("knockdown: siMETTL3", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565778 SRX481003 SRR1182593 14842492 14842492 1 TRUE FALSE 13824915 405751508 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:21:01.440 2014-07-19T01:22:01.880 2014-07-19T01:25:16.120 60 GSM1339399 human_Exp1siMETTL3 c("knockdown: siMETTL3", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565779 SRX481005 SRR1182595 16210242 16210242 1 TRUE FALSE 15096502 442894614 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:20:54.263 2014-07-19T01:22:17.760 2014-07-19T01:25:16.980 60 GSM1339401 human_Exp1siControl c("knockdown: siControl", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565780 SRX481006 SRR1182596 11681550 11681550 1 TRUE FALSE 10860840 318673725 kidney a549 2014-03-04T13:20:52.027 2014-07-19T01:22:26.587 2014-07-19T01:25:17.467 60 GSM1339402 human_Exp1siControl_input c("knockdown: siControl", "cell line: Hek293T", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565781 SRX481007 SRR1182597 17971884 17971884 1 TRUE FALSE 16872728 503815625 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:21:06.477 2014-07-19T01:22:35.387 2014-07-19T01:26:13.157 60 GSM1339403 human_OKMSfibroplusDox c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: 5 days post induction with Dox", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565782 SRX481008 SRR1182598 9653260 9653260 1 TRUE FALSE 9044943 269980728 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:20:58.960 2014-07-19T01:22:43.910 2014-07-19T01:26:13.413 60 GSM1339404 human_OKMSfibroplusDox_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: 5 days post induction with Dox", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565783 SRX481009 SRR1182599 17204276 17204276 1 TRUE FALSE 16183270 483453211 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:21:04.210 2014-07-19T01:22:48.570 2014-07-19T01:26:13.627 60 GSM1339405 human_OKMSfibrominusDox c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: 5 days after not inducing with Dox", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565784 SRX481010 SRR1182600 11309112 11309112 1 TRUE FALSE 10565074 315298047 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:21:08.770 2014-07-19T01:22:56.920 2014-07-19T01:26:13.833 60 GSM1339406 human_OKMSfibrominusDox_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: 5 days after not inducing with Dox", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565785 SRX481011 SRR1182601 19637850 19637850 1 TRUE FALSE 18546363 553846909 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:21:11.203 2014-07-19T01:23:02.043 2014-07-19T01:26:14.050 60 GSM1339407 human_OKMSiPSC c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: Fully reprogrammed into iPSC", "antibody: anti-m6A", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565786 SRX481012 SRR1182602 8536674 8536674 1 TRUE FALSE 8008151 239065966 stem cell ips 2014-03-04T13:21:20.520 2014-07-19T01:23:11.347 2014-07-19T01:26:14.273 60 GSM1339408 human_OKMSiPSC_input c("knockdown: None", "cell line: OKMS inducible fibroblasts", "condition: Fully reprogrammed into iPSC", "antibody: none", "dynamic program: iPSC reprogramming") SRP039397 SRS565787 SRX481013 SRR1182603 31115974 31115974 1 TRUE FALSE 26529530 790947877 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:18.103 2014-07-19T01:23:15.897 2014-07-19T01:26:14.493 60 GSM1339409 human_shWTAP_rep1 c("knockdown: shWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565788 SRX481014 SRR1182604 14986640 14986640 1 TRUE FALSE 14088924 420002964 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:15.810 2014-07-19T01:23:24.470 2014-07-19T01:26:14.700 60 GSM1339410 human_shWTAP_rep1_input c("knockdown: shWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565789 SRX481015 SRR1182605 17890372 17890372 1 TRUE FALSE 15012045 447010461 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:13.553 2014-07-19T01:23:28.710 2014-07-19T01:26:15.327 60 GSM1339411 human_shWTAP_rep2 c("knockdown: shWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565790 SRX481016 SRR1182606 14672438 14672438 1 TRUE FALSE 13778304 410726953 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:22.830 2014-07-19T01:23:36.367 2014-07-19T01:26:15.523 60 GSM1339412 human_shWTAP_rep2_input c("knockdown: shWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565791 SRX481017 SRR1182607 13046424 13046424 1 TRUE FALSE 11965277 356585631 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:27.510 2014-07-19T01:23:44.487 2014-07-19T01:26:15.857 60 GSM1339413 human_shMETTL14_1_rep1 c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565792 SRX481018 SRR1182608 15311006 15311006 1 TRUE FALSE 14338745 427436203 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:32.203 2014-07-19T01:23:50.760 2014-07-19T01:26:16.063 60 GSM1339414 human_shMETTL14_1_rep1_input c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565793 SRX481019 SRR1182609 13671176 13671176 1 TRUE FALSE 12731375 379447689 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:20:37.677 2014-07-19T01:23:56.977 2014-07-19T01:26:16.253 60 GSM1339415 human_shMETTL14_3_rep1 c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565794 SRX481020 SRR1182610 13500130 13500130 1 TRUE FALSE 12722085 379339718 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:20:33.107 2014-07-19T01:24:03.337 2014-07-19T01:26:16.860 60 GSM1339416 human_shMETTL14_3_rep1_input c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565795 SRX481021 SRR1182611 14367248 14367248 1 TRUE FALSE 13330628 397205280 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:20:42.447 2014-07-19T01:24:08.000 2014-07-19T01:26:17.777 60 GSM1339417 human_shMETTL14_1_rep2 c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565796 SRX481022 SRR1182612 15312656 15312656 1 TRUE FALSE 14373962 428428894 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:36.620 2014-07-19T01:24:16.620 2014-07-19T01:30:13.333 60 GSM1339418 human_shMETTL14_1_rep2_input c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565797 SRX481023 SRR1182613 33931658 33931658 1 TRUE FALSE 24772428 737315247 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:25.130 2014-07-19T01:24:29.710 2014-07-19T01:30:13.670 60 GSM1339419 human_shMETTL14_3_rep2 c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565798 SRX481024 SRR1182614 12612762 12612762 1 TRUE FALSE 11810326 352058773 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:48.957 2014-07-19T01:24:38.723 2014-07-19T01:30:14.007 60 GSM1339420 human_shMETTL14_3_rep2_input c("knockdown: shMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565799 SRX481025 SRR1182615 17861752 17861752 1 TRUE FALSE 16456198 490742434 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:29.947 2014-07-19T01:24:47.690 2014-07-19T01:30:14.423 60 GSM1339421 human_shMETTL3_rep1 c("knockdown: shMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565800 SRX481026 SRR1182616 15360008 15360008 1 TRUE FALSE 14444111 430464137 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:59.613 2014-07-19T01:18:29.777 2014-07-19T01:21:13.190 60 GSM1339422 human_shMETTL3_rep1_input c("knockdown: shMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565801 SRX481028 SRR1182618 18546512 18546512 1 TRUE FALSE 16986784 504739879 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:39.207 2014-07-19T01:18:42.727 2014-07-19T01:21:13.497 60 GSM1339424 human_shMETTL3_rep2_input c("knockdown: shMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565802 SRX481027 SRR1182617 7912784 7912784 1 TRUE FALSE 7017857 209115055 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:34.433 2014-07-19T01:18:38.263 2014-07-19T01:21:13.790 60 GSM1339423 human_shMETTL3_rep2 c("knockdown: shMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565803 SRX481029 SRR1182619 16979634 16979634 1 TRUE FALSE 15609641 465214757 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:51.510 2014-07-19T01:18:48.820 2014-07-19T01:21:14.133 60 GSM1339425 human_shGFP_2 c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565804 SRX481030 SRR1182620 15089682 15089682 1 TRUE FALSE 13777974 409934366 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:46.503 2014-07-19T01:08:27.627 2014-07-19T01:14:24.393 60 GSM1339426 human_shGFP_2_input c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565805 SRX481031 SRR1182621 13996486 13996486 1 TRUE FALSE 13075007 389647263 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:41.630 2014-07-19T01:08:33.140 2014-07-19T01:14:24.740 60 GSM1339427 human_shGFP_1_rep1 c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565806 SRX481032 SRR1182622 16687930 16687930 1 TRUE FALSE 14910497 443277115 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:44.040 2014-07-19T01:08:38.030 2014-07-19T01:14:25.097 60 GSM1339428 human_shGFP_1_rep1_input c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565807 SRX481033 SRR1182623 23941112 23941112 1 TRUE FALSE 17247507 513189403 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:02.550 2014-07-19T01:24:56.787 2014-07-19T01:30:14.743 60 GSM1339429 human_shGFP_1_rep2 c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565808 SRX481034 SRR1182624 16273556 16273556 1 TRUE FALSE 15248501 454180891 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:05.177 2014-07-19T01:25:10.707 2014-07-19T01:30:15.203 60 GSM1339430 human_shGFP_1_rep2_input c("knockdown: shGFP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565809 SRX481035 SRR1182625 13284008 13284008 1 TRUE FALSE 8456673 250937295 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:56.997 2014-07-19T01:25:22.080 2014-07-19T01:30:16.010 60 GSM1339431 human_Exp2siWTAP c("knockdown: siWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565810 SRX481036 SRR1182626 20030472 20030472 1 TRUE FALSE 17276119 513638413 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:21:54.587 2014-07-19T01:25:27.920 2014-07-19T01:30:16.680 60 GSM1339432 human_Exp2siWTAP_input c("knockdown: siWTAP", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565811 SRX481037 SRR1182627 18673610 18673610 1 TRUE FALSE 14744901 438357681 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:07.470 2014-07-19T01:25:39.550 2014-07-19T01:30:17.327 60 GSM1339433 human_Exp2siKIAA1429 c("knockdown: siKIAA1429", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565812 SRX481038 SRR1182628 20717982 20717982 1 TRUE FALSE 18038896 536710270 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:16.957 2014-07-19T01:25:54.463 2014-07-19T01:30:17.920 60 GSM1339434 human_Exp2siKIAA1429_input c("knockdown: siKIAA1429", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565813 SRX481039 SRR1182629 30763744 30763744 1 TRUE FALSE 24846244 738701476 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:09.870 2014-07-19T01:26:09.453 2014-07-19T01:30:18.443 60 GSM1339435 human_Exp2siMETTL3 c("knockdown: siMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565814 SRX481040 SRR1182630 26393360 26393360 1 TRUE FALSE 22274511 660932502 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:12.203 2014-07-19T01:26:20.880 2014-07-19T01:30:18.970 60 GSM1339436 human_Exp2siMETTL3_input c("knockdown: siMETTL3", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565815 SRX481041 SRR1182631 25130176 25130176 1 TRUE FALSE 20572606 611817913 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:21.647 2014-07-19T01:26:33.083 2014-07-19T01:30:19.477 60 GSM1339437 human_Exp2siMETTL3andsiMETTL14 c("knockdown: siMETTL3/siMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565816 SRX481042 SRR1182632 21147002 21147002 1 TRUE FALSE 18236467 541751937 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:14.640 2014-07-19T01:26:40.560 2014-07-19T01:30:19.993 60 GSM1339438 human_Exp2siMETTL3andsiMETTL14_input c("knockdown: siMETTL3/siMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565817 SRX481043 SRR1182633 24146574 24146574 1 TRUE FALSE 19068340 567080495 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:19.237 2014-07-19T01:26:43.357 2014-07-19T01:30:20.497 60 GSM1339439 human_Exp2siControl c("knockdown: siControl", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565818 SRX481044 SRR1182634 27192718 27192718 1 TRUE FALSE 22768660 676153053 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:28.810 2014-07-19T01:26:49.610 2014-07-19T01:30:21.003 60 GSM1339440 human_Exp2siControl_input c("knockdown: siControl", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none") SRP039397 SRS565819 SRX481045 SRR1182635 19635006 19635006 1 TRUE FALSE 16473411 489997137 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:26.623 2014-07-19T01:21:13.317 2014-07-19T01:26:17.970 60 GSM1339441 human_Exp2siMETTL14 c("knockdown: siMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: anti-m6A") SRP039397 SRS565820 SRX481046 SRR1182636 22818420 22818420 1 TRUE FALSE 19102537 567352237 epithelium a549 2014-03-04T13:22:24.250 2014-07-19T01:21:20.763 2014-07-19T01:26:18.203 60 GSM1339442 human_Exp2siMETTL14_input c("knockdown: siMETTL14", "cell line: A549", "antibody: none")