project sample experiment run read_count_as_reported_by_sra reads_downloaded proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded paired_end sra_misreported_paired_end mapped_read_count auc sharq_beta_tissue sharq_beta_cell_type biosample_submission_date biosample_publication_date biosample_update_date avg_read_length geo_accession bigwig_file title characteristics SRP048825 SRS720058 SRX730881 SRR1610260 43431012 43431012 1 FALSE FALSE 42731096 2124192398 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:38.180 2015-09-23T01:17:28.047 2015-09-23T01:23:16.720 50 GSM1523640 rna_hES_shControl_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720059 SRX730882 SRR1610261 46275264 46275264 1 FALSE FALSE 45543188 2263639307 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:40.487 2015-09-23T01:13:01.720 2015-09-23T01:14:17.407 50 GSM1523641 rna_ND1_shControl_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720060 SRX730883 SRR1610262 45250445 45250445 1 FALSE FALSE 44543864 2213715016 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:42.593 2015-09-23T01:13:02.953 2015-09-23T01:14:17.157 50 GSM1523642 rna_ND3_shControl_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720061 SRX730884 SRR1610263 45003359 45003359 1 FALSE FALSE 44301564 2201905122 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:45.660 2015-09-23T01:13:03.867 2015-09-23T01:14:16.903 50 GSM1523643 rna_ND6_shControl_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720062 SRX730885 SRR1610264 52337161 52337161 1 FALSE FALSE 51434029 2556868497 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:47.917 2015-09-23T01:13:04.767 2015-09-23T01:14:16.647 50 GSM1523644 rna_hES_shKBTBD8_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720063 SRX730887 SRR1610266 48534749 48534749 1 FALSE FALSE 47606947 2365999586 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:56.410 2015-09-23T01:13:06.810 2015-09-23T01:18:53.777 50 GSM1523646 rna_ND3_shKBTBD8_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720064 SRX730886 SRR1610265 38600212 38600212 1 FALSE FALSE 37955375 1886670026 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:54.373 2015-09-23T01:13:05.817 2015-09-23T01:14:16.320 50 GSM1523645 rna_ND1_shKBTBD8_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720065 SRX730888 SRR1610267 50866113 50866113 1 FALSE FALSE 50030324 2486550689 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:27.690 2015-09-23T01:13:07.793 2015-09-23T01:18:53.550 50 GSM1523647 rna_ND6_shKBTBD8_replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720066 SRX730889 SRR1610268 47386872 47386872 1 FALSE FALSE 46655480 2320582179 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:29.763 2015-09-23T01:17:29.133 2015-09-23T01:23:16.450 50 GSM1523648 rna_hES_shControl_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720067 SRX730891 SRR1610270 52662889 52662889 1 FALSE FALSE 51837420 2578420715 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:04.193 2015-09-23T01:17:31.210 2015-09-23T01:23:16.177 50 GSM1523650 rna_ND3_shControl_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720068 SRX730890 SRR1610269 52753506 52753506 1 FALSE FALSE 51911471 2581752761 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:31.983 2015-09-23T01:17:30.200 2015-09-23T01:23:15.940 50 GSM1523649 rna_ND1_shControl_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720069 SRX730893 SRR1610272 51507144 51507144 1 FALSE FALSE 50866656 2530442953 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:52.370 2015-09-23T01:17:34.023 2015-09-23T01:23:15.640 50 GSM1523652 rna_hES_shKBTBD8_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720070 SRX730894 SRR1610273 51407537 51407537 1 FALSE FALSE 50759387 2524982699 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:13.680 2015-09-23T01:17:35.217 2015-09-23T01:23:15.363 50 GSM1523653 rna_ND1_shKBTBD8_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720071 SRX730895 SRR1610274 48428560 48428560 1 FALSE FALSE 47754548 2375333697 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:16.113 2015-09-23T01:12:54.663 2015-09-23T01:14:16.043 50 GSM1523654 rna_ND3_shKBTBD8_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720072 SRX730892 SRR1610271 50755517 50755517 1 FALSE FALSE 49961729 2484393415 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:37:50.200 2015-09-23T01:17:32.683 2015-09-23T01:23:15.080 50 GSM1523651 rna_ND6_shControl_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS720073 SRX730896 SRR1610275 36287315 36287315 1 FALSE FALSE 35873551 1784579306 NA NA 2014-10-10T10:36:18.367 2015-09-23T01:12:56.177 2015-09-23T01:14:15.807 50 GSM1523655 rna_ND6_shKBTBD8_replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977981 SRX1080137 SRR2086038 62977459 62977459 1 FALSE FALSE 62058455 3083507986 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:13.000 2015-09-23T01:14:07.330 2015-09-23T01:18:30.060 50 GSM1782887 rna_ND3_shTCOF1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh TCOF1", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977982 SRX1080135 SRR2086036 58921668 58921668 1 FALSE FALSE 58154297 2889729682 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:11.000 2015-09-23T01:14:29.943 2015-09-23T01:18:29.807 50 GSM1782885 rna_ND3_shControl c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977983 SRX1080134 SRR2086035 53060880 53060880 1 FALSE FALSE 52329719 2600239277 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:09.000 2015-09-23T01:14:28.787 2015-09-23T01:18:29.440 50 GSM1782884 rna_hES_shTCOF1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh TCOF1", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977984 SRX1080136 SRR2086037 62790761 62790761 1 FALSE FALSE 61868267 3073946230 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:12.000 2015-09-23T01:14:30.860 2015-09-23T01:18:29.193 50 GSM1782886 rna_ND3_shKBTBD8 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977985 SRX1080133 SRR2086034 50982358 50982358 1 FALSE FALSE 50298613 2499802482 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:08.000 2015-09-23T01:14:27.877 2015-09-23T01:18:28.887 50 GSM1782883 rna_hES_shKBTBD8 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977986 SRX1080132 SRR2086033 51946560 51946560 1 FALSE FALSE 51258894 2547014087 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:06:07.000 2015-09-23T01:14:26.557 2015-09-23T01:18:28.667 50 GSM1782882 rna_hES_shControl-replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977987 SRX1080131 SRR2086032 25381553 25381553 1 FALSE FALSE 25063984 1245582510 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:16.000 2015-09-23T01:14:05.840 2015-09-23T01:18:28.400 50 GSM1782881 rna_hES_shControl-replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Standard mRNA-seq") SRP048825 SRS977988 SRX1080125 SRR2086026 51279622 51279622 1 FALSE FALSE 27848676 775038117 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:07.000 2015-09-23T01:16:22.750 2015-09-23T01:18:28.147 50 GSM1782875 ribo_hES_shControl-replicate2 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977989 SRX1080126 SRR2086027 58243116 58243116 1 FALSE FALSE 31090674 873370240 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:09.000 2015-09-23T01:13:59.750 2015-09-23T01:18:27.910 50 GSM1782876 ribo_hES_shKBTBD8 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977990 SRX1080130 SRR2086031 54718534 54718534 1 FALSE FALSE 32559141 860510820 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:14.000 2015-09-23T01:14:04.887 2015-09-23T01:18:27.643 50 GSM1782880 ribo_ND3_shTCOF1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh TCOF1", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977991 SRX1080129 SRR2086030 65099755 65099755 1 FALSE FALSE 22583940 646279460 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:12.000 2015-09-23T01:14:03.423 2015-09-23T01:18:27.333 50 GSM1782879 ribo_ND3_shKBTBD8 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh KBTBD8", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977992 SRX1080128 SRR2086029 68022183 68022183 1 FALSE FALSE 39204861 1070383617 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:11.000 2015-09-23T01:14:02.177 2015-09-23T01:18:27.070 50 GSM1782878 ribo_ND3_shControl c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977993 SRX1080127 SRR2086028 52293661 52293661 1 FALSE FALSE 40053839 1180936895 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:10.000 2015-09-23T01:14:00.900 2015-09-23T01:18:26.733 50 GSM1782877 ribo_hES_shTCOF1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh TCOF1", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction") SRP048825 SRS977994 SRX1080124 SRR2086025 36618005 36618005 1 FALSE FALSE 20445271 605167943 NA NA 2015-07-02T14:05:06.000 2015-09-23T01:16:21.100 2015-09-23T01:18:26.463 50 GSM1782874 ribo_hES_shControl-replicate1 c("treatment: lentiviral infection with sh control", "cell line: H1", "extract_protocol: Rnase I footprinting, ribosome pelleting, RNA extraction")