project sample experiment run read_count_as_reported_by_sra reads_downloaded proportion_of_reads_reported_by_sra_downloaded paired_end sra_misreported_paired_end mapped_read_count auc sharq_beta_tissue sharq_beta_cell_type biosample_submission_date biosample_publication_date biosample_update_date avg_read_length geo_accession bigwig_file title characteristics SRP055514 SRS857346 SRX890555 SRR1818631 33278782 33278782 1 TRUE FALSE 31462716 2371918543 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:35.110 2015-07-10T01:16:48.030 2015-07-10T05:39:36.920 152 GSM1619488 PM18_T0 c("subject id: #18", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857346 SRX890555 SRR1818632 32645842 32645842 1 TRUE FALSE 30898445 2328091707 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:35.110 2015-07-10T01:16:48.030 2015-07-10T05:39:36.920 152 GSM1619488 PM18_T0 c("subject id: #18", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857347 SRX890579 SRR1818679 40567136 40567136 1 TRUE FALSE 37985247 2862463075 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:04.293 2015-07-10T01:15:49.587 2015-07-10T05:39:36.597 152 GSM1619512 PM23_T3 c("subject id: #23", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857347 SRX890579 SRR1818680 39909112 39909112 1 TRUE FALSE 37393550 2816183041 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:04.293 2015-07-10T01:15:49.587 2015-07-10T05:39:36.597 152 GSM1619512 PM23_T3 c("subject id: #23", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857348 SRX890578 SRR1818677 43105254 43105254 1 TRUE FALSE 41268661 3113083623 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:40.283 2015-07-10T01:15:48.307 2015-07-10T05:39:36.333 152 GSM1619511 PM22_T3 c("subject id: #22", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857348 SRX890578 SRR1818678 41451444 41451444 1 TRUE FALSE 39586774 2986091515 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:40.283 2015-07-10T01:15:48.307 2015-07-10T05:39:36.333 152 GSM1619511 PM22_T3 c("subject id: #22", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857349 SRX890577 SRR1818675 33473558 33473558 1 TRUE FALSE 32058522 2419141531 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:15.390 2015-07-10T01:15:46.877 2015-07-10T05:39:35.957 152 GSM1619510 PM21_T3 c("subject id: #21", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857349 SRX890577 SRR1818676 33296984 33296984 1 TRUE FALSE 32019186 2416245528 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:15.390 2015-07-10T01:15:46.877 2015-07-10T05:39:35.957 152 GSM1619510 PM21_T3 c("subject id: #21", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857350 SRX890576 SRR1818673 45724840 45724840 1 TRUE FALSE 43170360 3252776859 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:45.057 2015-07-10T01:15:45.683 2015-07-10T05:39:35.587 152 GSM1619509 PM20_T3 c("subject id: #20", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857350 SRX890576 SRR1818674 45075642 45075642 1 TRUE FALSE 42317540 3186568278 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:45.057 2015-07-10T01:15:45.683 2015-07-10T05:39:35.587 152 GSM1619509 PM20_T3 c("subject id: #20", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857351 SRX890575 SRR1818671 41327656 41327656 1 TRUE FALSE 39569317 2984395789 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:33.900 2015-07-10T01:15:44.510 2015-07-10T05:39:35.240 152 GSM1619508 PM19_T3 c("subject id: #19", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857351 SRX890575 SRR1818672 39728034 39728034 1 TRUE FALSE 37959832 2862929529 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:33.900 2015-07-10T01:15:44.510 2015-07-10T05:39:35.240 152 GSM1619508 PM19_T3 c("subject id: #19", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857352 SRX890570 SRR1818661 43896998 43896998 1 TRUE FALSE 41817016 3154463966 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:02.007 2015-07-10T01:15:38.840 2015-07-10T05:39:34.973 152 GSM1619503 PM13_T3 c("subject id: #13", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857352 SRX890570 SRR1818662 43737902 43737902 1 TRUE FALSE 41831474 3155642804 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:02.007 2015-07-10T01:15:38.840 2015-07-10T05:39:34.973 152 GSM1619503 PM13_T3 c("subject id: #13", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857353 SRX890567 SRR1818655 35436800 35436800 1 TRUE FALSE 33821293 2550512138 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:12.433 2015-07-10T01:15:34.897 2015-07-10T05:39:34.650 152 GSM1619500 PM10_T3 c("subject id: #10", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857353 SRX890567 SRR1818656 34138632 34138632 1 TRUE FALSE 32498358 2450638093 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:12.433 2015-07-10T01:15:34.897 2015-07-10T05:39:34.650 152 GSM1619500 PM10_T3 c("subject id: #10", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857354 SRX890566 SRR1818653 42224402 42224402 1 TRUE FALSE 40173822 3029211902 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:55.060 2015-07-10T01:15:33.387 2015-07-10T05:39:34.350 152 GSM1619499 PM09_T3 c("subject id: #09", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857354 SRX890566 SRR1818654 42351646 42351646 1 TRUE FALSE 40062296 3021099313 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:55.060 2015-07-10T01:15:33.387 2015-07-10T05:39:34.350 152 GSM1619499 PM09_T3 c("subject id: #09", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857355 SRX890565 SRR1818651 41734908 41734908 1 TRUE FALSE 40271634 3039616994 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:26.300 2015-07-10T01:13:45.417 2015-07-10T05:39:34.040 152 GSM1619498 PM08_T3 c("subject id: #08", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857355 SRX890565 SRR1818652 41241936 41241936 1 TRUE FALSE 39648687 2991660087 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:26.300 2015-07-10T01:13:45.417 2015-07-10T05:39:34.040 152 GSM1619498 PM08_T3 c("subject id: #08", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857356 SRX890568 SRR1818657 41023112 41023112 1 TRUE FALSE 39204116 2956112555 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:09.650 2015-07-10T01:15:36.130 2015-07-10T05:39:33.700 152 GSM1619501 PM11_T3 c("subject id: #11", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857356 SRX890568 SRR1818658 41151808 41151808 1 TRUE FALSE 39132934 2951107013 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:09.650 2015-07-10T01:15:36.130 2015-07-10T05:39:33.700 152 GSM1619501 PM11_T3 c("subject id: #11", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857357 SRX890564 SRR1818649 40627344 40627344 1 TRUE FALSE 39217583 2959791366 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:42.330 2015-07-10T01:13:44.407 2015-07-10T05:39:33.410 152 GSM1619497 PM06_T3 c("subject id: #06", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857357 SRX890564 SRR1818650 40133210 40133210 1 TRUE FALSE 38632771 2914821320 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:42.330 2015-07-10T01:13:44.407 2015-07-10T05:39:33.410 152 GSM1619497 PM06_T3 c("subject id: #06", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857358 SRX890569 SRR1818659 44768460 44768460 1 TRUE FALSE 42537958 3208146702 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:07.160 2015-07-10T01:15:37.370 2015-07-10T05:39:33.167 152 GSM1619502 PM12_T3 c("subject id: #12", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857359 SRX890563 SRR1818647 38598452 38598452 1 TRUE FALSE 36941208 2786693293 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:27.183 2015-07-10T01:13:42.617 2015-07-10T05:39:32.817 152 GSM1619496 PM05_T3 c("subject id: #05", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857359 SRX890563 SRR1818648 38385370 38385370 1 TRUE FALSE 36869131 2781399794 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:27.183 2015-07-10T01:13:42.617 2015-07-10T05:39:32.817 152 GSM1619496 PM05_T3 c("subject id: #05", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857360 SRX890562 SRR1818645 41695660 41695660 1 TRUE FALSE 40563591 3062113241 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:47.163 2015-07-10T01:17:00.950 2015-07-10T05:39:32.450 152 GSM1619495 PM02_T3 c("subject id: #02", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857360 SRX890562 SRR1818646 41966886 41966886 1 TRUE FALSE 40869258 3085081616 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:47.163 2015-07-10T01:17:00.950 2015-07-10T05:39:32.450 152 GSM1619495 PM02_T3 c("subject id: #02", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857361 SRX890559 SRR1818639 40379212 40379212 1 TRUE FALSE 38719485 2921246782 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:24.553 2015-07-10T01:16:55.167 2015-07-10T05:39:32.183 152 GSM1619492 PM22_T0 c("subject id: #22", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857361 SRX890559 SRR1818640 38969268 38969268 1 TRUE FALSE 37289391 2813227384 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:24.553 2015-07-10T01:16:55.167 2015-07-10T05:39:32.183 152 GSM1619492 PM22_T0 c("subject id: #22", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857362 SRX890558 SRR1818637 46389688 46389688 1 TRUE FALSE 44207555 3333226942 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:22.530 2015-07-10T01:16:53.603 2015-07-10T05:39:31.830 152 GSM1619491 PM21_T0 c("subject id: #21", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857362 SRX890558 SRR1818638 46157954 46157954 1 TRUE FALSE 44172769 3330599209 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:22.530 2015-07-10T01:16:53.603 2015-07-10T05:39:31.830 152 GSM1619491 PM21_T0 c("subject id: #21", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857363 SRX890557 SRR1818635 40251590 40251590 1 TRUE FALSE 38124666 2874184643 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:29.737 2015-07-10T01:16:52.097 2015-07-10T05:39:31.517 152 GSM1619490 PM20_T0 c("subject id: #20", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857363 SRX890557 SRR1818636 39576030 39576030 1 TRUE FALSE 37299839 2810288099 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:29.737 2015-07-10T01:16:52.097 2015-07-10T05:39:31.517 152 GSM1619490 PM20_T0 c("subject id: #20", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857364 SRX890561 SRR1818643 38597246 38597246 1 TRUE FALSE 37591653 2838311343 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:37.590 2015-07-10T01:16:59.500 2015-07-10T05:39:31.153 152 GSM1619494 PM01_T3 c("subject id: #01", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857364 SRX890561 SRR1818644 38779164 38779164 1 TRUE FALSE 37803212 2854354228 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:37.590 2015-07-10T01:16:59.500 2015-07-10T05:39:31.153 152 GSM1619494 PM01_T3 c("subject id: #01", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857365 SRX890560 SRR1818641 40125768 40125768 1 TRUE FALSE 37747985 2843459317 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:51.587 2015-07-10T01:16:58.170 2015-07-10T05:39:30.843 152 GSM1619493 PM23_T0 c("subject id: #23", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857365 SRX890560 SRR1818642 39370678 39370678 1 TRUE FALSE 37134565 2795857386 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:51.587 2015-07-10T01:16:58.170 2015-07-10T05:39:30.843 152 GSM1619493 PM23_T0 c("subject id: #23", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857366 SRX890556 SRR1818633 37157594 37157594 1 TRUE FALSE 35383401 2668453868 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:42.053 2015-07-10T01:16:50.457 2015-07-10T05:39:30.560 152 GSM1619489 PM19_T0 c("subject id: #19", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857366 SRX890556 SRR1818634 35717104 35717104 1 TRUE FALSE 33943661 2559680584 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:42.053 2015-07-10T01:16:50.457 2015-07-10T05:39:30.560 152 GSM1619489 PM19_T0 c("subject id: #19", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857367 SRX890572 SRR1818665 47463962 47463962 1 TRUE FALSE 44557523 3358036227 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:47.353 2015-07-10T01:15:41.077 2015-07-10T05:39:30.217 152 GSM1619505 PM16_T3 c("subject id: #16", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857367 SRX890572 SRR1818666 46514792 46514792 1 TRUE FALSE 43728686 3293864467 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:47.353 2015-07-10T01:15:41.077 2015-07-10T05:39:30.217 152 GSM1619505 PM16_T3 c("subject id: #16", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857368 SRX890573 SRR1818667 36582710 36582710 1 TRUE FALSE 34543221 2603199864 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:31.667 2015-07-10T01:15:42.327 2015-07-10T05:39:29.797 152 GSM1619506 PM17_T3 c("subject id: #17", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857368 SRX890573 SRR1818668 36103036 36103036 1 TRUE FALSE 33912565 2554116681 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:31.667 2015-07-10T01:15:42.327 2015-07-10T05:39:29.797 152 GSM1619506 PM17_T3 c("subject id: #17", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857369 SRX890574 SRR1818669 36772086 36772086 1 TRUE FALSE 34692749 2614855590 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:23.653 2015-07-10T01:15:43.287 2015-07-10T05:39:29.450 152 GSM1619507 PM18_T3 c("subject id: #18", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857369 SRX890574 SRR1818670 36061122 36061122 1 TRUE FALSE 34046910 2564866401 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:23.653 2015-07-10T01:15:43.287 2015-07-10T05:39:29.450 152 GSM1619507 PM18_T3 c("subject id: #18", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857370 SRX890571 SRR1818663 43862612 43862612 1 TRUE FALSE 42178300 3182906382 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:31.690 2015-07-10T01:15:39.807 2015-07-10T05:39:29.110 152 GSM1619504 PM15_T3 c("subject id: #15", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857370 SRX890571 SRR1818664 43331960 43331960 1 TRUE FALSE 41518213 3132079100 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:31.690 2015-07-10T01:15:39.807 2015-07-10T05:39:29.110 152 GSM1619504 PM15_T3 c("subject id: #15", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857371 SRX890554 SRR1818629 40131396 40131396 1 TRUE FALSE 37817293 2849497300 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:20.200 2015-07-10T01:16:45.563 2015-07-10T05:39:28.817 152 GSM1619487 PM17_T0 c("subject id: #17", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857371 SRX890554 SRR1818630 39637898 39637898 1 TRUE FALSE 37144728 2796950871 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:20.200 2015-07-10T01:16:45.563 2015-07-10T05:39:28.817 152 GSM1619487 PM17_T0 c("subject id: #17", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857372 SRX890553 SRR1818627 44248408 44248408 1 TRUE FALSE 41450929 3122761318 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:39.873 2015-07-10T01:16:43.767 2015-07-10T05:39:28.510 152 GSM1619486 PM16_T0 c("subject id: #16", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857372 SRX890553 SRR1818628 43381992 43381992 1 TRUE FALSE 40697311 3064255745 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:39.873 2015-07-10T01:16:43.767 2015-07-10T05:39:28.510 152 GSM1619486 PM16_T0 c("subject id: #16", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857373 SRX890550 SRR1818621 38342680 38342680 1 TRUE FALSE 36534052 2754589601 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:28.863 2015-07-10T01:16:38.557 2015-07-10T05:39:27.930 152 GSM1619483 PM12_T0 c("subject id: #12", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857373 SRX890550 SRR1818622 38519006 38519006 1 TRUE FALSE 36919603 2783402351 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:28.863 2015-07-10T01:16:38.557 2015-07-10T05:39:27.930 152 GSM1619483 PM12_T0 c("subject id: #12", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857374 SRX890552 SRR1818625 44497622 44497622 1 TRUE FALSE 42986870 3243647628 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:49.580 2015-07-10T01:16:42.103 2015-07-10T05:39:27.563 152 GSM1619485 PM15_T0 c("subject id: #15", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857374 SRX890552 SRR1818626 43841876 43841876 1 TRUE FALSE 42237263 3186332044 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:45:49.580 2015-07-10T01:16:42.103 2015-07-10T05:39:27.563 152 GSM1619485 PM15_T0 c("subject id: #15", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857375 SRX890551 SRR1818623 46466844 46466844 1 TRUE FALSE 44545023 3358732122 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:59.857 2015-07-10T01:16:39.673 2015-07-10T05:39:27.287 152 GSM1619484 PM13_T0 c("subject id: #13", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857375 SRX890551 SRR1818624 45994148 45994148 1 TRUE FALSE 44279189 3338987025 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:59.857 2015-07-10T01:16:39.673 2015-07-10T05:39:27.287 152 GSM1619484 PM13_T0 c("subject id: #13", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857376 SRX890549 SRR1818619 36133214 36133214 1 TRUE FALSE 34583852 2608888878 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:18.187 2015-07-10T01:16:36.100 2015-07-10T05:39:26.963 152 GSM1619482 PM11_T0 c("subject id: #11", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857376 SRX890549 SRR1818620 36120978 36120978 1 TRUE FALSE 34390499 2594547042 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:18.187 2015-07-10T01:16:36.100 2015-07-10T05:39:26.963 152 GSM1619482 PM11_T0 c("subject id: #11", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857377 SRX890548 SRR1818617 44337678 44337678 1 TRUE FALSE 42476488 3203611911 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:52.790 2015-07-10T01:16:35.027 2015-07-10T05:39:26.690 152 GSM1619481 PM10_T0 c("subject id: #10", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857377 SRX890548 SRR1818618 42651236 42651236 1 TRUE FALSE 40773782 3075136094 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:52.790 2015-07-10T01:16:35.027 2015-07-10T05:39:26.690 152 GSM1619481 PM10_T0 c("subject id: #10", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857378 SRX890547 SRR1818615 42818718 42818718 1 TRUE FALSE 40835992 3077861102 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:29.393 2015-07-10T01:16:33.607 2015-07-10T05:39:26.383 152 GSM1619480 PM09_T0 c("subject id: #09", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857378 SRX890547 SRR1818616 43043794 43043794 1 TRUE FALSE 40803420 3075807837 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:29.393 2015-07-10T01:16:33.607 2015-07-10T05:39:26.383 152 GSM1619480 PM09_T0 c("subject id: #09", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857379 SRX890544 SRR1818609 35699764 35699764 1 TRUE FALSE 34277248 2585985048 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:34.023 2015-07-10T01:22:14.160 2015-07-10T05:39:26.100 152 GSM1619477 PM05_T0 c("subject id: #05", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857379 SRX890544 SRR1818610 35524358 35524358 1 TRUE FALSE 34234688 2582845444 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:34.023 2015-07-10T01:22:14.160 2015-07-10T05:39:26.100 152 GSM1619477 PM05_T0 c("subject id: #05", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857380 SRX890543 SRR1818607 42412608 42412608 1 TRUE FALSE 40444876 3034002990 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:21.027 2015-07-10T01:22:12.427 2015-07-10T05:39:25.757 152 GSM1619476 PM02_T0 c("subject id: #02", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857380 SRX890543 SRR1818608 42635312 42635312 1 TRUE FALSE 40737624 3055432060 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:21.027 2015-07-10T01:22:12.427 2015-07-10T05:39:25.757 152 GSM1619476 PM02_T0 c("subject id: #02", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857381 SRX890546 SRR1818613 43909806 43909806 1 TRUE FALSE 42187912 3183220252 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:36.030 2015-07-10T01:16:32.560 2015-07-10T05:39:24.703 152 GSM1619479 PM08_T0 c("subject id: #08", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857381 SRX890546 SRR1818614 43402204 43402204 1 TRUE FALSE 41560765 3134901246 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:36.030 2015-07-10T01:16:32.560 2015-07-10T05:39:24.703 152 GSM1619479 PM08_T0 c("subject id: #08", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857382 SRX890545 SRR1818611 40971274 40971274 1 TRUE FALSE 39632348 2990962995 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:38.163 2015-07-10T01:22:16.493 2015-07-10T05:39:24.410 152 GSM1619478 PM06_T0 c("subject id: #06", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857382 SRX890545 SRR1818612 40344734 40344734 1 TRUE FALSE 38910990 2935667212 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:38.163 2015-07-10T01:22:16.493 2015-07-10T05:39:24.410 152 GSM1619478 PM06_T0 c("subject id: #06", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857383 SRX890542 SRR1818605 32686848 32686848 1 TRUE FALSE 31863431 2406340153 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:57.777 2015-07-10T01:22:10.480 2015-07-10T05:39:23.973 152 GSM1619475 PM01_T0 c("subject id: #01", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857383 SRX890542 SRR1818606 32859828 32859828 1 TRUE FALSE 32059563 2421071738 NA NA 2015-02-25T13:46:57.777 2015-07-10T01:22:10.480 2015-07-10T05:39:23.973 152 GSM1619475 PM01_T0 c("subject id: #01", "time point: T0; before bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: adjustable gastric banding", "cell type: peripheral monocytes") SRP055514 SRS857358 SRX890569 SRR1818660 45032098 0 0 TRUE FALSE 0 NA NA NA 2015-02-25T13:47:07.160 2015-07-10T01:15:37.370 2015-07-10T05:39:33.167 152 GSM1619502 NA PM12_T3 c("subject id: #12", "time point: T3; 3 months after bariatric surgery", "type of surgical procedure: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass", "cell type: peripheral monocytes")