Column VARNAME VARDESC DOCFILE TYPE UNITS COMMENT1 COMMENT2 VALUES 3 SUBJID "Subject ID, GTEx Public Donor ID" string "Subject ID, GTEx Public Donor ID" 5 AGE Age Demography integer Years Age Elapsed time since birth in years. 4 SEX Sex Demography "integer, encoded value" Sex "The Donor's Identification of sex based upon self-report, family/next of kin, or medical record abstraction." 1=Male 2=Female 6 DTHHRDY Hardy Scale Death Circumstances "integer, encoded value" Death Classification: 4-point Hardy Scale "Death classification based on the 4-point Hardy Scale: 1) Violent and fast death Deaths due to accident, blunt force trauma or suicide, terminal phase estimated at < 10 min. 2) Fast death of natural causes Sudden unexpected deaths of people who had been reasonably healthy, after a terminal phase estimated at < 1 hr (with sudden death from a myocardial infarction as a model cause of death for this category) 3) Intermediate death Death after a terminal phase of 1 to 24 hrs (not classifiable as 2 or 4); patients who were ill but death was unexpected 4) Slow death Death after a long illness, with a terminal phase longer than 1 day (commonly cancer or chronic pulmonary disease); deaths that are not unexpected 0) Ventilator Case All cases on a ventilator immediately before death." 0=Ventilator Case 1=Violent and fast death 2=Fast death of natural causes 3=Intermediate death 4=Slow death