3719:115786 ERR1096225 ERP012914 ERS943748 ERX1175759 ERA526606 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH European Nucleotide Archive Transcriptional profiling of HAP1 kinase-knockout cells upon stimulation with polypeptides and small molecules This dataset is a systematic study of transcriptional profiles of HAP1 cells under environmental and genetic perturbations. Samples were prepared using wildtype HAP1 cells and HAP-derived cell lines that included CRISPR/Cas9-induced gene knockout in tyrosine kinases. Cells were cultured in reduced serum conditions for 16h, then stimulated with a polypeptide or small molecule for 6 hours. Cells were harvested and extracted RNA was subjected to RNA-seq library preparation in 96-well plates using the QuantSeq protocol. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 system following a T-fill reaction, with 48 samples multiplexed on each lane. Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing; Shallow transcriptomic profiling of HAP1 cells (EPHA6_BMP2_R1) HAP1 EPHA6-KO cells, stimulated with BMP2, replicate R1 KiCube_Library_EPHA6_BMP2_R1 RNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC Oligo-dT single Quant-Seq with T-fill Illumina HiSeq 2000 Alias;;KiCube_Sample_EPHA6_BMP2_R1|Column.96well;;11|Description;;HAP1 EPHA6-KO cells, stimulated with BMP2, replicate R1|ENA checklist;;ERC000011|ERCC;;no|ExpectedSig;;WT_BMP2|Group;;EPHA6_BMP2|INSDC center alias;;LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH|INSDC center name;;LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH|INSDC first public;;2016-05-19T17:00:53Z|INSDC last update;;2018-03-09T09:26:06Z|INSDC status;;public|Lane;;BG_Plex019|Library.concentration;;5.44|Plate.96well;;5|RefGroup;;EPHA6_None|RNA.concentration;;246.2|Row.96well;;E|Sample Name;;ERS943748|Sample;;EPHA6_BMP2_R1|SRA accession;;ERS943748|Stimulus;;BMP2|Title;;HAP1 EPHA6-KO cells, stimulated with BMP2, replicate R1|X260.230;;2.3|X260.280;;2.01 SAMEA3636599 KiCube_Sample_EPHA6_BMP2_R1 139185550 2783711 2016-05-20 15:10:34 173254725 139185550 2783711 1 2783711 index:0,count:2783711,average:50,stdev:0 KiCube_Run_EPHA6_BMP2_R1 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH CE-M-M-, RESEARCH CENTER FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE OF THE AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 13.02 4.47 0.07 122420843 168066259 101370663 143208880 137.29 141.27 0 0 0 0 0 0 62.92 76.07 3656632 1573961 3656632 1573961 68.09 69.35 3656632 1703142 3656632 1434950 5171028 4.22 2.30 0 15.53 0 0.59 0 0.15 0 0.00 0 9.40 0 2501411 0 50 0 48.99 0 1.59 0 0.01 0 1.28 0 0.00 0 501.07 0 0.63 0 64074 0 2783711 0 432189 0 16511 0 4231 0 0 0 261558 0 16 0 0 0 292 0 23884 0 1832 0 26024 0 74.33 0 2069222 0 4079 26243 6.433684726649 2783711.0 2501411.0 64074.0 432189.0 16511.0 4231.0 0.0 261558.0 2069222.0 89.9 2.3 15.5 0.6 0.2 0.0 9.4 74.3